An executive protection agent’s account of human trafficking at the US, Mexican border
Today’s guest is an all-around good guy, Mr. Preston Hocker. He’s a private investigator, executive protection agent, pastor, and Savage Dad.
You might remember Preston was on the show earlier this year to give us a look at what it’s like to be a private investigator. Today Preston returns to the show to give us valuable information about the trafficking that is happening at America’s southern border.
This interview with Preston is intended for adults only. While we are professional, this conversation is not meant for kids. Listener discretion is advised.
Also, this interview was met with several technical challenges which were all overcome. But at times the audio quality will be less than ideal at a few moments but you’ll get the full effect of what Preston has to say.
Watch the Interview
Helpful Links:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prestonhocker
Savage Dads: https://www.facebook.com/groups/savagedads/