When you sign up to download any guide, you then have instant access to The Secure Dad Digital Library. Just check your email after you sign up for one guide. These are all free to enjoy in The Secure Dad Digital Library.
Home Security Quick Reference PDF
With the exclusive Home Security Quick Reference from The Secure Dad, you can start making your home less of a target for crime and protect those that you love.
This free PDF guide will teach you simple, proven principles about what you need to know today to make your home safer for you and your family.
How to Build a Bug Out Bag PDF
What is a bug out bag and why do I need one? Good question. In it's simplest form, a bug out bag is a bag ready to go with the essential items you need in an emergency. Use them for natural disasters or times of crisis.
This free PDF guide will show you simple, proven principles about what you need to know about building your own bug out bag for your family. Plus, it includes links to recommended items to make your build easier and faster.
The Dark Web for Parents
You may have heard of the dark web but you may not know exactly what it is. If that's the case, do not worry! You are not alone. I've created The Secure Dad's Guide to The Dark Web for Parents.
In this guide, I will explain the three levels of the internet and where the dark web fits. I'll also share how it's accessed and the warnings that go with surfing the back alley of the world wide web.
Plus, I'll even share what to do if your child has been on the dark web. Download it now for free.
The Disaster Preparedness Checklist
Are you ready for the next natural disaster? This year we've seen out of control wildfires, double hurricanes and earthquakes. Now is the time to be ready for the next one.
With this free checklist from The Secure Dad you'll learn what you need to do to prepare your family for the next natural disaster. This comes from my experience and solid industry information that you can trust.
Open Source Intelligence for Parents
Open source intelligence (OSINT) is the data and information that is available to the general public. This includes addresses, phone numbers, IP addresses, and this list of personal information goes on!
In this guide, I will explain what OSINT is and where it can be found, the best source of information for anyone, what a data broker is, and how to remove your information people search sites.
Plus, I'll even share how we as parents need to value OSINT for our kids in the future.
Hiking Safety Guide for Families
Hiking should be fun and safe for your family. In this 26 page guide, you'll discover how to be safe and have fun on the trail with your family. Enjoy the great outdoors knowing you're ready for the elements.
In this free guide from The Secure Dad, you'll learn how to plan for a hike, what to pack, first aid tips, and how to protect your family from a predator on the trail. Plus, an essential gear checklist and an additional first aid kit checklist.
This is the most comprehensive guide from The Secure Dad yet.
What to do After a Car Wreck
You've just been in an accident. Everyone is thankfully okay. But now what? Do you call 911? How bad is your car? How will you get home? These are all questions that will be swirling around your mind.
With this checklist from The Secure Dad, you'll have a step-by-step guide to handle what to do after an accident. Print it out, put it in your car, and don't worry about it again. It will be there for you if you need it.
Download it today for free.
Protecting Your Family from Sex Offenders
I get emails from listeners all the time about wanting to know if a sex offender lives in their area. It's an important question for protector parents. That's why I created, Protecting Your Family from Sex Offenders.
This free resource will answer important questions:
What is a sex offender?
How do I know if an offender lives near me?
Am I notified if a sex offender moves near my family?
How do I get more information on an offender?
Why do you some state provide more information?
What if a sex offender lives on my street?
What if I suspect a child is being abused?
Download it today for free.
Enjoying a safe, happy road trip with your family
As we move into the time of year to visit family for holidays or to see the changing season, we need to consider safety for our next road trip. That's why I created the Family Road Trip Checklist.
This free download will help you pack:
#1 item we should always have in the car
Essentials for keeping your car moving
Food and snacks to keep everyone happy
How to entertain your kids
Gear for being safe on the road
This packing list is yours for free. Don't leave home without it!
Tis The Season for Home Security
While we’re excited to get out the decorations, shop for gifts, and play special music, we can overlook the crime this time of year brings.
The Holiday Security Guide will walk you through how to secure your home during holiday travel and how to shop securely online and in the store!
Secure your holiday season with this free guide from The Secure Dad.
How to Stock Your Pantry in a Shortage
Every time I go to the store, there are more and more empty spots on the shelf. Supply chain issues are affecting everyone, especially the food industry.
That's why Rogue Preparedness and The Secure Dad have teamed up to bring you this free download, Quick Start Guide: Stocking Your Pantry. This guide will tell you what you need to get and how to store it.
Plus, there are two comprehensive checklists that you can print and take to the store, today.