Are You Ready for the Next Emergency?
Is your family ready for the next unexpected emergency? If you lost your job, are you financially prepared? If a storm comes, do you have the food and supplies you need? And if someone threatens your family, are you prepared to act? On today’s show that’s exactly what we discuss with Morgan of Rogue Preparedness.
Morgan is the founder of Rogue Preparedness where she teaches the modern person & family how to be prepared for emergencies & disasters. You may have seen her on her popular social media channels on YouTube and Instagram. Today Morgan is going to share with us how we, the average family can be prepared for the unexpected twist and turns of life.
For more on Rogue Preparedness:
Website: http://roguepreparedness.com
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/rogueprepared
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/roguepreparedness